Bennett Dallas Buckway is our new addition to our family! He was born on Sunday, Dec. 9th at 1:49pm. He was 8lbs. 9oz. and 20 inches. This was not the baby to go all natural little chubby thing! He is so sweat and such a blessing to our lives. He is so cute and I love him so much. It is amazing how you can be so attached to another child, I always wonder will I be able to love this new child as much as my other ones? And yet it never fails my heart just gets bigger cause I wouldn't trade him or any of my other children for the world:)
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
So we had a busy night, Tylers 1st grade program was at 6:00 and Tailey's pre-school program was at 7:00. They both did great. The first 1/2 of the program Tyler was a frowny face and didnt sing...but when he finally saw us in the crowd, he sang so loud and smiled like there was no was funny slash sad that he thought we werent there. I informed him that I would always come to his stuff unless I'm dead, and even then I'll be watching from heaven so he better smile:) Tailey did great she was so cute and sang and danced when she was supposed to. She was also fun to watch. Brenen was a little poop at both programs. Grandpa riled him up so he was a little wild thing. He kept laughing and, fun.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Well time has flown by as usual...We had a wonderful Easter! As you can see I got at least one picture of the kids looking at the camera...out of like 20 tries..oh well. Fun stuff! Tyler is still loving school, and is doing very well.:) Tailey still likes tap dance and I got to peek in the crack of the door and I was surprised because she actually is learning a ton! And Brenen is such a stinker! He is talks all the time and it is so cute (most of the time..) He also loves to play outside! Clifton is doing great and so am I. We are so blessed and are loving life!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Brenen's 2nd Birthday!
So I cant believe my baby is 2!! He is so fun, we love him so much! He has grown so fast. He says something new everyday and his little voice is so cute! He is totally obsessed with cars! I decided to make it a cars party theme. I thought it turned out cute...He really seemed to like it:) We are so grateful for him!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Fun in the Snow!!
So this was the first time this year the kids have got to play in the snow. As you can see we need to go shopping for snow clothes.....Tyler had to wear my pants and boots.....Tailey had to wear Tylers old snow pants... and Brenen had to wear Taileys old pink pants and pink boots.... So last year was great cause all of the snow clothes fit them just fine but apparently this year they all have grown:) The way the weather has been I might make them just deal with it and next year buy new stuff:)
We also had a wonderful Christmas...We are so blessed and I am so grateful that I have my little family! I couldnt imagine my life with out them!
Proud Parents :)
Great Grandpa and Grandma Buckway
Great Grandma Bryner
Pretty Baby!!
This is his trying to look natural cheese face...
This is my cheese face!
He's getting bigger everyday!
Dress Up!
Tailey plays dress up everyday and comes to show off to everyone!
So Very Blessed!
We could only hold his hand for a few days threw these holes.
Day 4 in the NICU
First day out of the Incubator!
He was so much happier to be out of the plastic box!
I cant believe its over!!
Santa Came!!
So this is what the room looked like before my kids woke up for Christmas!
He was so excited for Iron Man! And his dragon castle!
She was soo excited for Snow White!
Merry Christmas!!
Tailey is getting so big, she loves to watch the Wizard of Oz! She is doing that right now and will scream "The witch momma the witch!" Every time the witch comes on the tv. It is pretty funny.
Clifton signed a contract with the Ogden Knights again. So he is excited to play again. And me and the baby are fine. The doctor said for sure he would take me a week early at least cause he is so big already...So have anywhere from 7 to 9 weeks left!!!Yeah!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
He's Singing the Snowman Song
he's saying "Cheese!"
Tylers Preschool Christmas Program
The Zoo!!

As you can see I am 51/2 Months Pregnant!
The kids looking at the animals

Keaton, Tailey, Tyler and Brielle

Clifton couldnt come so Staci came and helped me with the little monsters!
The baby Elephant!

So cute it weighed 251 pounds when born
Tylers 5th Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Tyler!!

He had to have a Wolverine Cake!

He Loves Books!!!

Taileys 2nd Birthday!

She had so much fun opening presents!
Happy Birthday Tailey!

She wanted Tinker Bell cake

She loves Babies!!!!
The Green Ninjas

He made a goal!
Tyler's Soccer Game

He got to kick it from out of bounds
Salt Lake Aquarium


Clifton got to play left tackle and go in on defense too

He is #67
Football game

They were all so good to sit at the game
The hotel in New Mexico


He loves to swim!!

She was dancing around by the pool
Busy, Busy..
New Mexico

Clifton is #67


His Spring Program

Happy Birthday Clifton!!

Tyler and Tailey were so excited to decorate for Clifton and to pick out his presents!
The Park

Tailey kept trying to jump outof Cliftons arms and into the water!
Tyler waiting to go play on the toys

Tyler didnt care to see the ducks, he wanted to go play on the playground
Anyways I cant believe how many people were there! Also how many people that were there, were completely insane! It was entertaining just watching them. One man wore camo overalls and no shirt with stickers on his nipples. Another at least 60 year old woman was in a bikini walking around! I saw a lot of other things but I am definately not writing them down. It would make my blog R rated...
Our hotel was nice and the pool was fun. Plus we got to go shopping and that is always fun!

Ogden Knights
Nationwide is on your Side!

The Buckway Agency also sponsered the team so if you need insurance or want a quote call Clifton he would be happy to help you!

People ask for his autograph after the games

Ogden Knights

Clifton is the new center for them #67
Tailey dancing

Tailey loves to dance all around at our new house
Tailey helping me pack our closet

Tailey was such a helper when it came to packing to move to our new house
The first time Tyler got to play with Tailey in the snow

Taileys first time playing in the snow!

Tyler sledding

Tylers First School Program

Tyler at his Christmas Program with his teacher Callee and his best friend Jake
Tailey in the Fireplace.....Why??

Merry Christmas!

Tylers birthday!

Tailey was excited for his Presents!

Tailey was really tired and didnt want to give Eastan a hug..

Taileys 1st Birthday!

She FINALLY fell asleep the last 15 minutes of the game

Tyler is really enjoying the football game....





We had so much fun! Tailey even loved it. She kept growling and jumping towards the animals. It was really cute.

Tailey wanted to get into the cage, our friend Nicole was kind enough to hold the wiggle worm

Tyle loved touching the baby pigs!

The 800 lb. pig!!!

Clifton told him to go into the empty pig cage and be a pig...that is as far as he went and said "no you do it!"

This bull was huge!

He was having fun can you tell?

She kept trying to jump out of Clifons arms to touch the animals

Tailey wanted to touch the cow but then backed off.....which I am glad

He was excited to pet the cow

Tyler was scared to touch it.....

Tailey was growling at them and they started to lift their feathers so it was time to move!

Ty with the ducks and geese
The Fair

They loved the white tigers

watching the tigers

His first day of school!

Her first Pony Tail!

This was a busy month!!

Tailey up camping

Tylers dirty face...

Tailey really wants to touch Jan's dog

She also wanted to give it kisses....gross!

Tyler enjoyed taking my dads candy!

Tyler has is mouth full of Cliftons crackers...

It was right before dinner I got the camera out, can you tell Tyler is hungry?

My mom and dad

My sister Staci, I have 2 brothers but for some reason I didnt get any pictures of them...

Totally beats the air mattress!!

The play ground at the condo, Amanda is helping my little monkey back down the slide.

She is a strong little stinker like her brother!

Our bus to Zoins National Park

Resting at the First Pool in Zions

The First Pool

Uncle Daniel makes a good horse :)

Tyler Turtle Face

Tyler informed us,"Look I am a Turtle Face!"
Clifton and Tyler

Las Vegas

The Beliagio???
ty and dan

Tyler and Daniel
mom and tailey

our family

Clifton and Tailey

Arent they cute!!

back to the condo...bedtime
little helper

She is a little helper....

She is definately my busy girl!